1. Counter. It's the main feature of this app: to count your recitation of istighfar.
2. Virtues of Istighfar. You can see the various virtues of Istighfar. By reading those, you will be more motivated to recite istighfar.
3. Reset button. You can delete istighfar counts with just one click.
4. Automatic storage feature. Your dhikr count will automatically be saved and will not be lost until you click the reset button.
5. Digital time and clock. It shows you the current hours, minutes, seconds and days, months and years.
6. Natural Sound. This feature can make your dhikr more enjoyable and calming. The Natural sounds are rivers, beaches, jungle atmosphere (forest), birds. It is recommended that you use a headset when you are listening these sounds.
7. Beautiful istighfar voice.
8. Beautiful istighfar Video.